Tomato Bunchy Top Viroid attacks Belgian Garden

4 Jul

Tomato Bunchy Top Viroid

Tomato plants growing in a garden in Belgium have been struck by a strange, little-known disease called Tomato Bunchy Top Viroid (or Virus). After growing to a height of about 600 mm or 2 ft, the tomato plants, which are growing in Chris Pavis’s Tervuren garden, develop growing tips with lots of tiny leaves all […]

Starter Fertilizers for Tomatoes

27 Mar

granular fertilizer

  Why its Good to Add Starter Fertilizer All plants enjoy substantial amounts of organic matter – manure or compost in the soil. Organic matter holds nutrients in the soil so that they are not lost through leaching. It increases the amount of water your soil can hold as well as microbial activity in the […]

Red Spider Mite can be a Problem for Tomatoes

7 Mar

spider mite

An infestation of spider mite is generally brought about by hot, dry temperatures and low humidity.  Sometimes, if using pyrethroid-based or other pesticides that are broad-spectrum and which kill all insects – both beneficial and pest – an outbreak can arise, because all the natural predators of these mites, have been killed. To the uninitiated, […]

Using Fungicides On Tomatoes

9 Dec

Fungicides on Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be seriously affected by disease, particularly in warm wet climates. It is important to monitor established plants regularly and act quickly if you see any disease symptoms. Disease may be caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses.Every country has its own list of government registered fungicides for different crops. Suppliers of these chemicals have […]