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Three Healthy, Delicious Tomato Salads

13 Jan

Tomato Salad

Fresh salads are a delicious way to enjoy your homegrown tomatoes raw. Here are three of our favourites. Iranian Shirazi Tomato Salad Ingredients: 3 tomatoes 2 cucumbers 1 bunch green onions/spring onions 2 tablespoons olive oil ¼ cup red wine vinegar 2 tablespoons dried mint Salt and pepper Instructions: Dice tomatoes and cucumbers into even, […]

How to Make Your Own Delicious Tomato Chutney

18 Sep

tomato chutney

Tomatoes are delicious raw and cooked, on their own or combined with a host of other ingredients. They are also incredibly healthy. So whether you have a bumper crop that you need to use up, or simply like the taste of fresh juicy tomatoes, here’s a quick, easy recipe for delicious sweet, slightly sour, vaguely […]

Fresh Tomato Soup

23 Apr

Tomatoes are an incredibly versatile food ingredient that can be eaten raw, cooked or made into soups and sauces. They can be stuffed with meat, rice or breadcrumbs, and used as the main ingredient in tarts. Combined with onions and a few spices, they also make a refreshing sambal for curries and other Eastern dishes.  […]

What You Can Do With Green Tomatoes

18 Aug

green tomatoes

If you ask most people what you can do with green tomatoes, they will immediately chirp: “Fry them!” This probably has more to do with the 1990s movie Fried Green Tomatoes than recipes for the fruit, even though people have been cooking unripe tomatoes for centuries. There are several old recipes for fried green tomatoes […]