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Tomatoes Can Protect Against Disease

26 Feb

tomato health benefits

There’s no question – tomatoes are one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Tomato health benefits are due to high levels of vitamins and antioxidants, which benefit your health and protect against disease. Nutrients Found in Tomatoes Tomatoes are nutritional powerhouses. They are excellent sources of vitamin C (one tomato makes up one-third of […]

The Tree Tomato or Tamarillo Gains Popularity Worldwide

16 Jul

tree tomato

When is a tomato not a tomato? When it grows on trees! While related to the tomato, capsicum, eggplant and the humble potato (they all belong to the Solanaceae family), the tree tomato is an exotic, subtropical fruit that originated in Central and South America. For many decades it’s been cultivated in various parts of […]

The Many Great Health Benefits of Tomatoes

16 Jun

health benefits of tomatoes

The American Tomato Products Wellness Council has identified hundreds of research studies from all over the world that prove that tomatoes are an important key to good health. The Council, which works towards increasing awareness of the health benefits of tomatoes and tomato products, had, by May 2013, identified more than 400 scientific studies, all […]

Tomatoes Lower Depressive Symptoms

27 Dec

Tomatoes Lower Depressive Symptoms

A team of Chinese and Japanese scientists has discovered that people eating tomatoes regularly are less likely to suffer from depression than those who eat tomatoes less than once a week. The research team led by Kaijun Niu from Tianjin Medical University in China published its findings in the Journal of Affective Disorders recently. They […]

Tomatoes Can Prevent Strokes in Men

19 Oct

Tomatoes Can Prevent Strokes in Men

A medical study by researchers at a Finnish university has found that people, particularly men, have a much lower risk of stroke if they eat tomatoes. The cause of stroke is usually a blood clot that blocks the supply of blood to the brain, often causing death. It is reported that in the USA alone, […]

Growing Tomatoes – Harvesting History And Health

22 Feb

Tomato History

Spaghetti sauce, ketchup, salsa, and soup-none would be the same without tomatoes. It is hard to imagine a life devoid of this delectable fruit. Fruit? Tomatoes are the reproductive part of the tomato plant, so botanically speaking they are fruits. However, for horticultural and culinary purposes, tomatoes are vegetables because they are most often used […]

7 Powerful Reasons To Eat Tomatoes

14 Feb

Reasons to Eat Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and potassium. They also pack plenty of the phytochemicals that provide disease prevention benefits. Tomatoes are high in lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) and phenolic compounds. In our diet, 95% of lycopene intake comes from tomatoes and tomato products. It is also found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, papaya […]