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Growing Tomatoes in Containers

15 May

Growing Tomatoes in containers

One of the best things about tomatoes is that you can grow them just about anywhere, even on a small patio or tiny balcony. While some people maintain that growing tomatoes in containers is more time consuming than growing them in a veggie garden, this is not true. Provided you have a spot where they […]

Dry Farming Tomatoes for Full Flavour

19 Feb

The idea of “dry farming” tomatoes is fascinating for anyone who is passionate about sustainable living and eco-friendly farming practises. But it is not something that anybody can do. For dry farming to be successful, you will need to live in a climate that is able to support the growth of your plants naturally. What […]

The Best Watering System for Tomatoes

13 Jun

The Best Watering System for Tomatoes

When watering by hand it is difficult to avoid wetting the leaves of tomato plants – but a raised bed will enable you to improve the soil . One secret of growing healthy tomatoes is to make sure they get the right nutrients and water. More specifically, regular watering will prevent the skin on the […]