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Tomato Plant Spacing 101: How to Calculate the Optimal Spaces

22 May

tomato plant spacing

Tomatoes are some of the best plants you could grow in your garden. They’re delicious, nutritious, full of vitamins, low on calories, and they help you save money as well. Not to mention the fact that they’re easy to grow. All of these things considered, it’s no surprise so many people plant tomatoes in their […]

3 Common Tomato Problems

18 Mar

tomato diseases

In your home garden, you probably won’t encounter too many pests and diseases. But if you do, don’t give up! It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact issue, so here are three common tomato problems you may have witnessed when growing tomatoes and their possible causes. For more in-depth information about a wide range […]

Tomato Bunchy Top Viroid attacks Belgian Garden

4 Jul

Tomato Bunchy Top Viroid

Tomato plants growing in a garden in Belgium have been struck by a strange, little-known disease called Tomato Bunchy Top Viroid (or Virus). After growing to a height of about 600 mm or 2 ft, the tomato plants, which are growing in Chris Pavis’s Tervuren garden, develop growing tips with lots of tiny leaves all […]

Damping Off

10 Mar

Damping Off

The term ‘damping off’ refers to the death of young seedlings, either after emergence or after transplanting. The stem of the seedling turns brown or black at soil level and withers causing death of the plant. This is commonly caused by any one of three diseases – Pythium, Rhizoctonia or Phytophthora. Damping Off is a […]

Tomato Pest And Disease Problems

7 Mar

spider mite damage on tomato

Tomatoes are in the potato family, and are susceptible to tens, if not hundreds of pest and disease problems; however, that should not stop any tomato loving gardener from harvesting buckets of healthy tomatoes. The key is to learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat tomato problems. Tomato Disease Prevention Banishing disease starts with healthy growing […]

Using Fungicides On Tomatoes

9 Dec

Fungicides on Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be seriously affected by disease, particularly in warm wet climates. It is important to monitor established plants regularly and act quickly if you see any disease symptoms. Disease may be caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses.Every country has its own list of government registered fungicides for different crops. Suppliers of these chemicals have […]