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Starter Fertilizers for Tomatoes

27 Mar

granular fertilizer

  Why its Good to Add Starter Fertilizer All plants enjoy substantial amounts of organic matter – manure or compost in the soil. Organic matter holds nutrients in the soil so that they are not lost through leaching. It increases the amount of water your soil can hold as well as microbial activity in the […]

Understanding your soil pH

27 Mar

Soil pH

Tomatoes will grow in a wide variety of soil types and across a wide range of pHs although they prefer a pH between 5.5 – 6.8.In order to understand your soil type it is essential that you have an understanding of what pH is and how it may affect the nutrition of your tomatoes. The […]

Is Manure Good for Tomatoes?

22 Mar

Manure Fertilizer

Manure remains the best of all fertilisers, with compost running a close second. Whilst the proportion of the three major nutrients that manure contains is rather low, and dollar for dollar artificial fertilisers do give more weight of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; manure rots down to make humus to benefit the soil and its micro-life. […]

Manure Tea

17 Mar

Manure Tea

If you feel that your tomato plants would benefit from a quick boost, then manure tea is a great way to encourage them. Simply put a couple of shovelfuls of manure into a Hessian bag and then steep it like an outsize teabag in a garbage bin full of water for a day or two […]

Tomato Pest And Disease Problems

7 Mar

spider mite damage on tomato

Tomatoes are in the potato family, and are susceptible to tens, if not hundreds of pest and disease problems; however, that should not stop any tomato loving gardener from harvesting buckets of healthy tomatoes. The key is to learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat tomato problems. Tomato Disease Prevention Banishing disease starts with healthy growing […]