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Dry Farming Tomatoes for Full Flavour

19 Feb

The idea of “dry farming” tomatoes is fascinating for anyone who is passionate about sustainable living and eco-friendly farming practises. But it is not something that anybody can do. For dry farming to be successful, you will need to live in a climate that is able to support the growth of your plants naturally. What […]

Ways to Control Tomato Bugs and Pests

2 Sep

Many insects loath the smell of garlic

There are various ways to control the many bugs and pests that infest and eat tomatoes and tomato plants. Methods range from what may best be described as “good housekeeping”, where your soil and the garden environment are kept clean and well-weeded, to applying insecticides that have been evolved to control specific bugs. While the […]

The Best Way to Grow Tomatoes

16 Jun

Tomatoes Seed

When you plant tomato seeds or cultivated seedlings you generally know what to expect. What will emerge from this patch of self seeded tomatoes is anybody’s guess! Tomatoes are regarded by most people as the most popular and most useful vegetable (or fruit) on the planet. There are hundreds of cultivars and strains, some of […]

Garden Fresh Tomato and Pepper Salsa

27 May

Tomato Salsa

Tomatoes and peppers are amongst the easiest vegetables to grow successfully in any garden. So if you plant them at the same time, there’s a good chance that you will get a good crop. You can expect to be able to bottle at least two litres of salsa from this recipe. Having said this, tomatoes […]

Manure Tea

17 Mar

Manure Tea

If you feel that your tomato plants would benefit from a quick boost, then manure tea is a great way to encourage them. Simply put a couple of shovelfuls of manure into a Hessian bag and then steep it like an outsize teabag in a garbage bin full of water for a day or two […]

Why Grow Tomatoes Organically and How to Do It

5 Feb

organic gardening

Growing Tomatoes Organically Organic gardening has often been thought of as the preserve of eccentrics who refused to accept the self-evident truth that progress had transformed the ancient art of gardening. Why did they fiddle around with compost and garlic spray when modern fertilizers and insecticides were so much more efficient and easier to use? […]