Tag Archives: tomato pests

Companion Planting for your Tomatoes

2 Dec

Companion Planting for your Tomatoes

There’s a classic book called Carrots love Tomatoes that was written by a North American woman, Louise Riotte, nearly four decades ago. Considered by many to be the “bible” of companion planting, it was first published in 1975, and is still on the bookstore bookshelves years after her death in 1998. But in those days […]

Ways to Control Tomato Bugs and Pests

2 Sep

Many insects loath the smell of garlic

There are various ways to control the many bugs and pests that infest and eat tomatoes and tomato plants. Methods range from what may best be described as “good housekeeping”, where your soil and the garden environment are kept clean and well-weeded, to applying insecticides that have been evolved to control specific bugs. While the […]

Tomato Bugs and Pests

22 Aug

tomato bugs and pests

Much as we love tomatoes, so too do a number of bugs and other pests. For this reason it is essential to keep an eye out for those that are most common and to take corrective action as soon as you spot them. Tomatoes are also susceptible to a number of quite common diseases, so […]

Red Spider Mite can be a Problem for Tomatoes

7 Mar

spider mite

An infestation of spider mite is generally brought about by hot, dry temperatures and low humidity.  Sometimes, if using pyrethroid-based or other pesticides that are broad-spectrum and which kill all insects – both beneficial and pest – an outbreak can arise, because all the natural predators of these mites, have been killed. To the uninitiated, […]

Tomato Pest And Disease Problems

7 Mar

spider mite damage on tomato

Tomatoes are in the potato family, and are susceptible to tens, if not hundreds of pest and disease problems; however, that should not stop any tomato loving gardener from harvesting buckets of healthy tomatoes. The key is to learn how to prevent, diagnose and treat tomato problems. Tomato Disease Prevention Banishing disease starts with healthy growing […]