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The How and When of Picking Tomatoes

26 Aug

when and how to pick tomatoes

There’s no real mystique to picking tomatoes, except that some types ripen more quickly and differently to other types. Also, if you just tug the tomato off the bush you may damage the stems. The Best Time to Pick Tomatoes It usually takes six to eight weeks for tomatoes to form and ripen, and there […]

Well Established, New and Heirloom Tomato Varieties

11 Aug

Heirloom Tomatoes

Tomatoes have been around for centuries even though they have really only been a popular foodstuff since the late 19th century. And it is only really since the mid 1950s that growers have concentrated on new strains that grow in every conceivable climate. Of course the introduction of new – perfect – strains has not […]

How the Phases of the Moon Affects the Growth of Tomatoes

30 Jun

How the Phases of the Moon Affect the Growth of Tomatoes

The moon controls many forces including the tides of the ocean. So it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that it is an important factor when it comes to gardening. In fact there is considerable evidence to prove that all crop plants planted according to the lunar cycle do a lot better than those planted willy-nilly. […]

The Best Watering System for Tomatoes

13 Jun

The Best Watering System for Tomatoes

When watering by hand it is difficult to avoid wetting the leaves of tomato plants – but a raised bed will enable you to improve the soil . One secret of growing healthy tomatoes is to make sure they get the right nutrients and water. More specifically, regular watering will prevent the skin on the […]

Starter Fertilizers for Tomatoes

27 Mar

granular fertilizer

  Why its Good to Add Starter Fertilizer All plants enjoy substantial amounts of organic matter – manure or compost in the soil. Organic matter holds nutrients in the soil so that they are not lost through leaching. It increases the amount of water your soil can hold as well as microbial activity in the […]

Understanding your soil pH

27 Mar

Soil pH

Tomatoes will grow in a wide variety of soil types and across a wide range of pHs although they prefer a pH between 5.5 – 6.8.In order to understand your soil type it is essential that you have an understanding of what pH is and how it may affect the nutrition of your tomatoes. The […]

Manure Tea

17 Mar

Manure Tea

If you feel that your tomato plants would benefit from a quick boost, then manure tea is a great way to encourage them. Simply put a couple of shovelfuls of manure into a Hessian bag and then steep it like an outsize teabag in a garbage bin full of water for a day or two […]

Pruning Your Plants

17 Mar

pruning tomato plants

With tomatoes it is important to maximise the efficiency of photosynthesis and limit the amount of disease. To do this the plant needs lots of light and airflow around it. If a plant is properly pruned and supported, nearly every leaf will have access to the sun. Most of the nutrients and sugars produced are […]

Secrets of Turning a Unused Spa Into a Vegetable Paradise

1 Dec

raised garden bed

A while ago we realised that our gorgeous big Leopard Tree was strangling the underground pipes around our inground spa. The options were to dig up all the concrete, attack the roots and replace the damaged pipes, or forget about having a spa. We figured that the tree was here long before us and provides […]

Can You Grow Tomatoes Upside Down?

25 Jan

Growing tomatoes upside down

Growing tomatoes upside down is a recent novelty that is unique and can work with a bit of work and care. It is an ideal answer for those people that do not have enough space to grow them in the ground or experience problems with pests or poor soil with few nutrients. In these conditions, […]