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Growing Tomatoes in Greenhouses and Tunnels

9 Sep

Growing Tomatoes in Greenhouses and Tunnels

Greenhouses and less sophisticated tunnels provide excellent growing conditions for tomatoes, even when temperatures are not closely controlled. They provide protection from wind, rain, hail and of course from the sun and from excessively cold conditions. When tomatoes are protected from the elements, they can withstand lower temperatures than they normally would when grown out […]

How the Phases of the Moon Affects the Growth of Tomatoes

30 Jun

How the Phases of the Moon Affect the Growth of Tomatoes

The moon controls many forces including the tides of the ocean. So it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that it is an important factor when it comes to gardening. In fact there is considerable evidence to prove that all crop plants planted according to the lunar cycle do a lot better than those planted willy-nilly. […]

The Best Way to Grow Tomatoes

16 Jun

Tomatoes Seed

When you plant tomato seeds or cultivated seedlings you generally know what to expect. What will emerge from this patch of self seeded tomatoes is anybody’s guess! Tomatoes are regarded by most people as the most popular and most useful vegetable (or fruit) on the planet. There are hundreds of cultivars and strains, some of […]

Garden Fresh Tomato and Pepper Salsa

27 May

Tomato Salsa

Tomatoes and peppers are amongst the easiest vegetables to grow successfully in any garden. So if you plant them at the same time, there’s a good chance that you will get a good crop. You can expect to be able to bottle at least two litres of salsa from this recipe. Having said this, tomatoes […]

Transplanting Tomato Seedlings Into Garden Beds

29 Apr

Whether you are growing your tomatoes from seed, or planting seedlings you have bought from a nursery, it is important to follow the correct transplanting procedure. Even if you have sown seed directly into garden beds, in seed rows, there will be a certain amount of transplanting that will need to be done to make […]

Starter Fertilizers for Tomatoes

27 Mar

granular fertilizer

  Why its Good to Add Starter Fertilizer All plants enjoy substantial amounts of organic matter – manure or compost in the soil. Organic matter holds nutrients in the soil so that they are not lost through leaching. It increases the amount of water your soil can hold as well as microbial activity in the […]

Secrets of Turning a Unused Spa Into a Vegetable Paradise

1 Dec

raised garden bed

A while ago we realised that our gorgeous big Leopard Tree was strangling the underground pipes around our inground spa. The options were to dig up all the concrete, attack the roots and replace the damaged pipes, or forget about having a spa. We figured that the tree was here long before us and provides […]

Can You Grow Tomatoes Upside Down?

25 Jan

Growing tomatoes upside down

Growing tomatoes upside down is a recent novelty that is unique and can work with a bit of work and care. It is an ideal answer for those people that do not have enough space to grow them in the ground or experience problems with pests or poor soil with few nutrients. In these conditions, […]

Tomato Gardening – Winter Planning for a Summer Garden

12 Feb

Planning Tomato Garden

Planning a Summer Tomato Garden Preparation for a bountiful harvest of tomatoes begins while the ground is still cold. Before you can plant a beautiful row of seedlings, you must take several planning steps. Consulting a comprehensive cultivation guide on growing tomatoes will aid your planning process and help ensure you end up with a […]